Entries Tagged as 'Animal Portraits'
And there you have it – my first dog:

Preston G. | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12″
I’m pretty happy with the way this worked out, in large part due to the flexibility of the support. I definitely like Colourfix, and will be using in the future. The only thing that bothered me about it was how quickly it would wax bloom. I had to go over all the dark areas of this drawing and clean up the wax with a tissue before spraying it with fixative, and I have some concerns about it returning.
We shall see, I suppose.
I’m starting a new piece later this evening (a commission) which will be a roughly 12×7″ carbon pencil piece, so stay tuned!
Tags: Animal Portraits · Colored Pencil · Completed Work
I expect the next update to be the finished drawing.

Preston G. | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12
Tags: Animal Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
With apologies for the glare…

Preston G. | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12″
Tags: Animal Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress

Preston G. | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12″
Tags: Animal Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
Moderate progress made over lunch:

Preston G. | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12″
Tags: Animal Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
I have to say, I really like the richness of color I’m getting on the Colourfix Paper.

Preston G. | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12″
Tags: Animal Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
About a 45 minute session with it after I got home from work this afternoon:

Preston | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12″
Tags: Animal Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
I’ve had this piece lined up for a while now and am pretty excited to finally be able to start on it. I’ve never drawn a dog before so it will most likely present a suitable challenge for me. It’s also my first drawing on Colourfix paper, which I’ve been wanting to try for some time now. So far so good!

Preston G. | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12
If you’ve not used Colourfix Paper before, its similar to Pastelbord in that its coated with a gritty primer, but this seems slightly less-so and is just on a heavy weight paper rather than a masonite panel.
Big thanks to Michael Dick for generously granting me permission to use his photo as a reference.
Tags: Animal Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress