Entries Tagged as 'Sculpture'
I really wish I hadn’t painted him. And then glazed him. I’m going to stop doing that … I hate the way they end up looking. The clean, matte finish of baked sculpey is so much more appealing.
The reason I painted him gray in the first place was because I have a can of textured spray paint that is supposed to make things look like stone, but there was too much texture, and after applying it there was a tremendous loss of detail. So, I cleaned it all off and in a fit of “eh, screw it” I glazed him. I regret not leaving well enough alone and leaving him as he was when he came out of the oven.
Oh well.
Tags: Completed Work · Sculpture
Tags: Sculpture · Work In Progress
I’ve found a small, wooden container among all the random bits of stuff in the closet in my studio and have mounted Grimmy’s head to the lid.

Tags: Sculpture · Work In Progress
I’ve been playing around with polymer clay again, super sculpey to be specific, this time making a gargoyle/goblin/thing. First, the original sketch:
Now, with a bit of progress:
And a little more …
And where he is as of now, recently given the designation “Grimmy Bignose” by my kids.

Tags: Sculpture · Work In Progress

Polymer Clay, Acrylic Paint, mounted on a stained pine base.
Click to embiggen.
Tags: Sculpture
On a whim I decided to play around with some Super Sculpey the other night – I was pretty into this about five or six years ago.
This isn’t finished yet – I’m going to make a body for it, and then bake it and paint it, but here are a couple of shots of the piece in its early stages.

Tags: Sculpture