Entries from January 2008
January 29th, 2008 · 7 Comments
Rose tagged me for everyone’s favorite “Five Things You Don’t Know About Me” meme, so here goes. Prepare to be enlightened! Or something!
- I play the drums.
- And I’ll bet if you sit around me at work, the incessant tapping on my desk in rhythm to whatever I’m listening to on my iPod probably gave that away.
- I work for AOL.
- I started in late ‘99, just in time for the stock to hit its peak and be completely useless to me. And if you knew that I played drums by way of hearing me tap on my desk, then you already knew this one too.
- I used to smoke.
- Two packs of Basic Lights a day, but I quit three years ago. Now I can’t abide it.
- Until 2003, I’d never been outside of the U.S..
- And since then I’ve been to Germany, Austria, Ireland, Greece, Turkey, and the UK.
- My wife and I are expecting our second child in March.
- A boy!
Of course, a meme isn’t a meme if it isn’t passed on, so…
- Jeanette Jobson, because she left such a nice comment about Nate & Hannah.
- Cindy Li, even though I’m sure she’s been tagged with this meme before but without her excellent photographs to work from, a lot of my portraits wouldn’t exist.
- Kevin Lawver, because outside of my own family, I’ve drawn more Lawvers than anyone else.
- Paulette, because she was nice enough to add me to her blogroll.
- Stuart Langridge, because this is just the sort of thing that I’m sure would conjure a litany of curses from him just for being tagged. And that amuses me.
Not that I expect any of you to carry it on. Well, except Stuart.
Tags: Thinking Out Loud
January 28th, 2008 · 5 Comments

Colored Penil on Cold Press Illustration Board, 14 x 10″
Tags: Child Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
Nate’s had some refinements made and Hannah begins to appear in this short session I squeezed in over lunch:

Tags: Child Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress

Colored Pencil on Cold Press Illustration Board, 14 x 10″
Tags: Child Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress

Colored Pencil on Cold Press Illustration Board, 14 x 10″
Tags: Child Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
With heavy brightness adjustments made in Photoshop:

Colored Pencil on Cold Press Illustration Board, 14 x 10″
Tags: Child Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
This photo taken in a room with both windows open along with a flash. Still not optimal, but getting better…

Colored Pencil on Cold Press Illustration Board, 14 x 10″
Tags: Child Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
I’m getting frustrated with my inability to take a reasonable photograph of this piece…

Colored Pencil on Cold Press Illustration Board, 14 x 10″
Tags: Child Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
Commission #2 of 2008:

Colored Pencil on Cold Press Illustration Board, 14 x 10″
As you can see, this photo demonstrates my need to experiment with how to take photos of large works.
Tags: Child Portraits · Colored Pencil · Work In Progress
January 17th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Colored Pencil on Cream Mi-Teintes Paper, 8 x 10″
My first commission of 2008, finished. I was a bit nervous starting this one as I didn’t have any prior experience drawing someone with as dark as a complexion as Debbie, but in the end I feel like I matched it pretty well. Colors used were sand and yellow ochre for a base, burnt ochre over the base, chocolate, dark umber, black cherry and dark green for shadows, with terra cotta as a mid-tone.
I also used circulism for this piece, which I think suited it well. I first started experimenting with this technique with graphite drawings to varying degrees of success, but I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of it with this drawing. I’m not claiming I nailed the technique, just that I managed to not deviate from it over the course of the drawing.
As an aside, I noticed this morning that I had used the smooth side of the Mi-Teintes paper quite by accident. An entire week went by without my realizing it, so there must not be as much a difference as I had originally thought. Of course, at about the same time I noticed that she is holding a kitten in the source photo after an entire week of staring at it, so maybe we chalk both up to distraction.
Tags: Adult Portraits · Colored Pencil · Completed Work