Still a wee bit of work left to do on the tongue, but it wasn’t even half as difficult as I had thought it would be. I’ve no reason to believe that the next update won’t be the finished drawing.
Utranormal II | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 9 x 12"
Here’s the scenario – your family has been kidnapped; held for ransom by an international gang of thugs. The government? They’re of no help. Aid agencies? No go. The only one that can save them is you.
And what does the eye patch wearing, cigar smoking, exotic accent having leader of these criminals want in exchange for your loved ones? Money? Gold? Insider secrets? No… a drawing. A drawing of Kevin Lawver’s left eye.
Watch the following video closely. Your future – perhaps even that of the world’s – could depend on it one day.
Even at this very early stage, I feel like this is going to be one of my favorite drawings. Not only is it a hilarious reference with fantastic lighting, detail and texture that I knew I wanted to draw the first time I saw it, but it’s also a good, long time friend which always makes it much more interesting for me. See Ganz, the Sequel as more proof of that.
This is also the subject for this month’s portrait study, so it makes it even more fun just to see how the other folks in the group will treat it.
Ultranormal II | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 9 x 12″