Halfway done with the shirt:
Self Portrait V | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 9 x 16″
Halfway done with the shirt:
Self Portrait V | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 9 x 16″
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Head and shoulders:
Self Portrait V | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 9 x 16″
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This isn’t moving nearly as quickly as I thought it would today…I keep getting distracted.
Self Portrait V | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 9 x 16″
Considering how long it took me to draw that section of the shirt, this may well end up being the “Week of Drawing Plaid”.
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I didn’t get as early a start this morning as I had planned to, but here’s what I was able to get done between 10am and 11am:
Self Portrait V | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 9 x 16″
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I’ve taken this week off work to hole up in my studio and do nothing but draw. The “draw-a-thon” doesn’t officially start until tomorrow, but I had a chance this afternoon to get a head start on the first of four drawings I hope to finish before next Sunday.
Self Portrait V | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 9 x 16″
With one (sometimes two) one-hour sessions a day, it generally takes me a week to finish a drawing, so logic would dictate that if I spend 8AM thru 5PM up in my studio without any other responsibilities, four drawings should be cake.
This of course assumes that the lure of Civilization Revolution is resistible. I guess we’ll see!
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And here is Mr. Lincoln, now finished:
Lincoln | Carbon Pencil on Cold Press Ill. Board | 8 x 10″
I’m pretty happy with the way this one turned out, and feel like I’m getting a much better feel for carbon pencils, as well as nailing down some techniques for working with them. I’m going to take a short break from them to do a color piece, and then come back to them next week for a drawing of my son that will be a companion piece for Clara, Profile.
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I expect the next update will be the finished drawing.
Lincoln | Carbon Pencil on Cold Press Ill. Board | 8 x 10″
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Lincoln | Carbon Pencil on Cold Press Ill. Board | 8 x 10″
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A bit more detail on the left side of the canvas, starting on to his other eye.
Lincoln | Carbon Pencil on Cold Press Ill. Board | 8 x 10″
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After finishing Clara, Profile, I wanted to try another Carbon Pencil drawing, but one with substantially more contrast. All of the pieces I have lined up are begging to be done in colored pencil, though so I thought I’d try a historical figure.
Can you tell who it is yet?
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