Having a rough time with the peel on the right side of the canvas…I’ve pulled up all the pigment with scotch tape and started it over twice – it may be in for a third try.
Clementine | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 10 x 8"
Having a rough time with the peel on the right side of the canvas…I’ve pulled up all the pigment with scotch tape and started it over twice – it may be in for a third try.
Clementine | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 10 x 8"
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Clementine | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 10 x 8"
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What I’ve drawn here appears to be some sort of pulsating, glowing alien egg on the verge of spilling out its terrible larvae.
Clementine | Colored Pencil on Pastelbord | 10 x 8″
Or maybe it’s the start of my contribution to this month’s Virtual Sketch Date…it’s pretty much up in the air right now.
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Self Portrait VI | Acrylic on Pastelbord | 9 x 12"
For a first go with the medium, I’m pleased enough. And I liked working with the stuff enough that I’ll do another. I certainly feel a good deal more confident with it, and learned A LOT over the course of this painting – figuring out that I could do a colored wash over the opaque layers that already existed was a game changer. And a forehead slapper, too.
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Much closer to the finish line now…though I think I’ll do a yellow wash over it to tone down the darks.
Self Portrait VI | Acrylic on Pastelbord | 9 12"
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I’ve blocked in the values on the right side of the canvas though it obviously still needs a lot of work.
Self Portrait VI | Acrylic on Pastelbord | 9 x 12"
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Spent about an hour with it this morning…finding myself liking it a good deal more, though my shadows have gotten far too red.
Self Portrait VI | Acrylic on Pastelbord | 9 x 12"
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Feeling better about it… still trying to work out how I can incorporate colors other than browns into the shadows without overpowering it. If I can manage to keep those shadows dark and warm but not dirt colored I’ll be a lot happier.
Self Portrait VI | Acrylic on Pastelbord | 9 x 12"
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Self Portrait VI | Acrylic on Pastelbord | 9 x 12"
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I think I’m starting to get the hang of these…I’m feeling better about the left side of the canvas, anyway. I’m getting a better handle on mixing colors as well, and seeing little tricks about getting details in like painting a fat, dark stroke and then hiding most of it with a lighter color once it dries, rather then fussing over getting a thin stroke from the beginning.
Self Portrait VI | Acrylic on Pastelbord | 9 x 12"
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