Wax Bloom

S.G. Chipman's Drawing Blog

Wax Bloom

“Self Portrait VI”, Update #2

January 9th, 2009 · 3 Comments

I am so, so lost with this painting business and it’s really causing me to miss my pencils.

The lack of control I have over the paintbrush resulting in an inability to do anything with any sort of detail is killing me. Colors aren’t interacting with each other they way they do with colored pencil (phthalo blue + burnt umber = blue mud, not a nice cool dark), I can’t figure out how to layer colors properly so they don’t take each other over… and on and on.

It’s very much like I know exactly what I need to do to make it right… but can’t. Its been frustrating. And yet, the challenge of it has me hooked.

In progress acrylic painting entitled Self Portrait VI
Self Portrait VI | Acrylic on Pastelbord | 9 x 12"

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“Self Portrait VI”, Update #1

January 8th, 2009 · 2 Comments

So bearing in mind that I’ve literally no idea what the hell I’m doing when it comes to acrylic paint, I give you my forehead:

In progress painting entitled Self Portrait VI
Self Portrait VI | Acrylic on Pastelbord | 9 x 12"

Apologies for the glare, it was still a bit wet when I took the photo.

I’ve no idea what sorts of techniques one might employ when working with acrylic, but I’m painting just like I did when I painted in oils. I’m mixing colors on the canvas, using wide, deliberate strokes and applying a medium (retardant and extender) liberally as I paint. It feels about right, though I can already see the rapid drying time taking some getting used to.

I like it so far though!

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January 8th, 2009 · 2 Comments

Look at what finally came in the mail!

Acrylic paints, brushes and mediums.

I’m pretty excited to get down to it – I’ve never painted in acrylics before, but spent a lot of time with oils in college, so I’m not a complete painting newbie. I’m thinking my first attempt will be a self portrait – it doesn’t seem fair to butcher someone else’s likeness in a new medium.

Big thanks to my parents, my sister and Rachel for the sundry art supply gift cards that made this possible.

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“Serra”, Complete

January 4th, 2009 · 3 Comments

And there you have it – drawing number one of 2009 in the bag!

Colored pencil drawing entitled Serra
Serra | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12"

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“Serra”, Update #5

January 4th, 2009 · 2 Comments

A bit more polishing and it will be done…

Photo of in progress colored pencil drawing entitled Serra
Serra | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12"

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“Serra”, Update #4

January 3rd, 2009 · No Comments

Photo of in progress colored pencil drawing entitled Serra.
Serra | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12"

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“Serra”, Update #3

January 2nd, 2009 · No Comments

In progress photo of colored pencil drawing entitled Serra.
Serra | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12"

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“Serra”, Update #2

January 1st, 2009 · No Comments

Photo of in-progress colored pencil drawing entitled Serra.
Serra | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12"

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“Serra”, Update #1

December 31st, 2008 · 2 Comments

And now what will be the first drawing of 2009 – a portrait of my mother-in-law, Serra. I have to say, after three weeks it feels really nice to be in my studio again.

Photo of in-progress colored pencil portrait of my mother-in-law, Serra.
Serra | Colored Pencil on Colourfix Paper | 9 x 12"

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2008 in Review, and into 2009

December 31st, 2008 · 7 Comments

Wouldya lookatdat? The year is already over, and so is my break. I suppose its time to figure out the goals for 2009 and see if I managed to hit any of the ones from 2008!

2008’s Goals in Review

Start working larger

Well, sort of. The majority of the stuff I did towards the end of the year was 9×12", and I did a couple that were 9×16". While they aren’t massive, they are bigger than 8.5×11" :P

Point being, I suppose, that I did manage to get out of the 8.5×11" habit and start working in some more interesting dimensions which was more the goal than simply creating huge drawings.

Set up a Photography Area

Check! I bought myself a DSLR in October and have been happily taking better shots of my work since.

Get Back to Working with Clay

Oops…didn’t come close to getting that one. There’s always 2009…

Try Other Mediums

The only new medium I tried was carbon pencil. Though I did start working on Pastelbord and Colourfix paper this year – so I did at least try new supports.

Draw Things other than Faces

While not a rousing success, and the first didn’t show up until July, I did manage to do 4 non-portraits toward the end of 2008.

I also started working things other than faces into portraits, like clothing and such with several full body portraits, one with a plastic cup and one with a whole lake in the background.

Were you to compare 2007’s body of work with 2008’s, I think you’d find the difference quite apparent.

Pursue More Commission Work

In 2007, 6 of my 45 drawings were commissions. In 2008, out of 29 drawings, 8 were commissions. It’s a better ratio, to be sure, especially considering I had a couple of people back out of them due to economic reasons, and I also backed out of a couple because I didn’t care for the reference photos.

So not bad, but not a total win either. Lets look at 2009’s new and resurrected goals:

Goals for 2009

Regimented Subject Matter

This year I intend to limit myself to one or two portraits a month. Most likely just one with the portrait study group I’ve joined. The rest of the time will be spent with other subject matter; still lives, etc.

New mediums.

Specifically acrylics. I have $175.00 worth of art supply gift certificates burning a hole in my pocket, and its acrylic paints that are going to get the lion’s share of it.

More sellable work

The trouble with portraits is that to make any money with them, someone needs to hire you. This is related to the first goal, but I’m going to focus more of my time on doing work that could be attractive to any potential buyer.

Keep a sketchbook

I’ve been doodling in a moleskine for a few weeks now after Carolyn suggested it. I’ve found it to be quite enjoyable and lots of ideas have been popping out of it.

Less realism

I’ve been drawing a lot of silly things straight from my head in my sketchbook, and some of them could be pretty interesting as completed work.

Regimented Mediums

I intend to rotate through mediums this year – colored pencil, graphite/carbon, acrylic and clay. Never two of the same medium in a row! (I expect this to be broken within a month or so)

Lastly, these are my top three favorites from 2008:

  1. Ganz, the Sequel
  2. Self Portrait IV
  3. Pink Sneakers

With honorable mentions going to Rachel, Preston G. and Jump!. You can see my entire 2008 body of work in my gallery to see if you agree.

And what about your goals for the new year? Leave a link to your post about what you intend to accomplish with your art (or whatever you enjoy) in the comments!

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